Timely Tip for Advisement: EagleSUCCESS & Teams Meetings

We like the convenience of meeting over Teams. Find out how to make that happen with your schedule in EagleSUCCESS and best practices for a smooth experience.

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First create your Teams meeting as a “location” for student meetings:

  • Go to Appointment Preferences.
  • Scroll to My Locations.
  • Click Add Locationinclude instructions to the student that you will send a follow up Teams meeting link.
  • To send a Teams meeting link, you will create a Teams meeting in Outlook or Teams and send the meeting invitation to your student. Be sure to choose “Show as Free”in your Outlook Calendar so it doesn’t conflict with the EagleSUCCESS meeting.
  • You can also edit recurring office hours to add this location by hovering over the clock in the scheduler for those office hours.

Lastly make sure you select all locations you want available to students when you create or edit your office hours in the scheduler.

Timely Tips for Advisement articles you may have missed:

View all EagleSUCCESS Faculty and Staff tutorials on our Youtube channel.